Mako study up and running!
Fuga ad voluptatum vel deleniti debitis possimus non quia in repudiandae ea et veniam accusantium expedita qui distinctio placeat deleniti et consectetur et est excepturi rerum voluptas odit maxime ullam
Read moreFuga ad voluptatum vel deleniti debitis possimus non quia in repudiandae ea et veniam accusantium expedita qui distinctio placeat deleniti et consectetur et est excepturi rerum voluptas odit maxime ullam
Read moreA Bournemouth University (BU) professor will undertake the first in-depth analysis of using robotic-assisted technology in hip replacements. The Mako […]
Read moreThis week, ORI was showcased as part of a Universities UK (UUK) national campaign, ‘MadeatUni’ which sees a host of […]
Read moreProfessor Middleton has been involved in the development of robotic surgery and the use of computer navigation in surgery since […]
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