The key to diagnosing and treating a hip problem is the consultation.
Patients can refer themselves or can be referred by a consultant, GP, physiotherapist, osteopath, chiropractor or other health specialist.
All appointments are made by Professor Middleton’s Secretary, Kirstie Cobb, who can be contacted by phone, email, letter or fax. Kirstie will then arrange an appointment to see Professor Middleton at a time convenient to the patient. If x-rays or scans have been done at hospitals other than the one where the consultation is to take place, please inform Kirstie and she will do her best to obtain these for the consultation. Note this is not always possible as some hospitals will not release imaging, charge a fee or if there is a lead time of several weeks.
Book a consultation →I had a hip replacement with Professor Middleton at the end of March, just before Easter. It was just a new world for me.
The details
What happens during a consultation?
In the consultation with Professor Middleton your history will be taken and an examination performed and imaging such as x-rays and scans reviewed. Sometimes further imaging is required. In the case of x-rays, these can be taken immediately the same day. This is also sometimes possible for both MRI scans and CT scans if there are appointments available. If not, normally scans can be performed within two working days.
Once a diagnosis has been made, Professor Middleton will explain the treatment options. Wherever possible, he will explain the non-operative options that are available. If surgery is required then a fixed price quote can be given at the time of the consultation. If this is the case then normally a date for the surgery can be planned at the same time as the consultation.
Consultation costs →Book a consultation
Please contact us to book a private consultation, discuss your personal needs or to request more information.